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Adult Education & Curriculum
Writing Services

Clear, engaging and quality adult education curriculum design
including artificial intelligence for education content, lesson plans and lecture notes for digital learning.
Adult Education & Curriculum Writing Project Experience:


  • academic paper editing (with professor approval)

  • assignments

  • curriculum scope, design and development

  • interviews with Subject Matter Experts

  • learning objectives

  • lecture notes

  • lesson plans (including EdTech content)

  • marking/scoring rubrics

  • quiz and exam content creation

  • syllabus review and creation with balance of qualitative and quantitative components


  • certificates

  • journal and magazine articles

  • seminar presentations for continuing education credit

  • slide decks

  • team coordination (across multiple time zones) for adult education curriculum development that earned top scores from attendees

  • training courses adhering to accredited association guidelines for continuing education unit provision

Are you an academic with a new class starting soon and need lecture notes?
Do you have a stack of great background material that needs to be summarized for adult education teaching purposes?
Would you like to include Subject Matter Expert comments in your adult learner training sessions yet lack the time to interview?

Northleo Writing Inc. can help.

Adult Learners in Classroom

Online educational classes for adult learners are experiencing explosive demand. The remote working trend is here to stay, with many companies seeking self-paced, on demand and real-time digital learning platform classes for team members and customers. A well-designed, logical, engaging and quality adult education curriculum gives your company a competitive edge. We’ve moved far away from a traditional learning chalk-and-talk classroom towards more inquiry-based learning where the teacher is a guide instead of a lecturer. Long gone are the days where a fancy door prize and a free lunch will secure the sale. Today’s adult learner expects to be immersed in all the details including product specifications, installation instructions, warranties, technical support options and more. Developing an engaging, accurate curriculum is one of the most important elements to address when closing learning gaps. Northleo Writing Inc. can help.


Adult learners come to class with a unique set of expectations. Adult education must be relevant to each learner's job and/or life, suit their busy schedule plus be presented in an engaging manner. Work, family time and hobbies are part of every week and it’s the educator’s job to respect those elements. Consider the learners’ age range, computer skills, literacy levels and past experience. Not every learner has the same learning style; ask if they prefer to read, listen or interact while learning. One additional item to consider is the trend towards upskilling via micro-credentialling: short, digital courses offering a badge or certificate. With good curriculum design, you can open the e-learning experience up to podcasts, interactive webinars with drawing boards, referenced video content, live experiments on camera and more.

Northleo Writing Inc. offers:
  • In-depth, lengthy experience with professors, academics, technical experts, scientists and researchers

  • Inclusive and patient project environment for clients who do not count English as their first language

  • Collaborative environment where feedback is welcomed

  • LinkedIn

©2022-2024 Northleo Writing Inc.

This information and services offered are not intended to act as a substitute for any legal advice needed for your writing project.

Always contact a qualified attorney for guidance on your specific situation.


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